Molly Burns
Mon, Oct 5, 2015
Read in 4 minutes
101 things to do in 1001 days.
Start: 1/14/17 - End: 10/12/19
Finish this list and make a new one
Take a trip to Bloomington
Plan a spa getaway for me and B
Take pups to dog park once a month Metazoa’s dog park, most Friday nights
Climb 2 fourteeners
Take a spontaneous trip
Take a cooking class
Visit 3 new states – not just driving through [New York, 4/20/17]
Visit a national monument[Washington DC, June 2017]
Ride bikes more (with and without pups)
Be a tourist for a day in Indy
Go to a Razorbacks football game (w/ B’s college friends?)
Go to the Indiana State Fair
Go to a homecoming event (HS or college, mine or B’s)
Go on a roller coaster
Go out on a boat [June 2018 with the Byergo’s!]
Take the pups to the beach
Take a real road trip with B and the pups
Order wine at Ralstons
Bring lunch to work 2 days a week
Start (and stick to) an exercise routine
Try something new at a not new restaurant 10 times 1⁄10 [Breakfasty sandwich at Ralstons]
Meal plan before I grocery shop
Do yoga more than once a week
Use my cookbooks more
Grow a successful kitchen garden
Do a handstand
Master the back bend
Go on a gym date with B
Go rock climbing
Find out what the ‘recommended serving’ of veggies/fruit is and eat them daily for a week
Master the rowing machine
Participate in Meatless Monday consistently
Eat the recommended portion size for a whole week
Get into a house cleaning routine
Paint rooms to match new home color scheme [Entry way, living room, guestroom]
Switch decor with seasons
Help B finish the basement
Make the studio usable space
Finish knit pillow covers
Cover couch[Re-invented couch, and it no longer needed a cover - so
that counts!]
Make a real budget and stick to it
Get rid of any clothing that does not fit in my bedroom closet
Go through storage areas quarterly - get rid of things
Simplify kitchen gadgets
Make it to the bottom of my pile of magazines - get rid of old ones!
Come up with a new bathroom floorplan (upstairs)
Make garage more usable - get rid of junk
Read all my book club books (11 per year) [See progress on my bookshelf]
Read 4 non-book club books per year [See bookshelf]
Finish the Brothers Karamazov
See a game at Lucas Oil
Take B to Lambeau
Purchase a real piece of art
Watch one movie a month with Brady (that he really wants to watch)
Keep in touch with old friends
Get a pen pal
Write Brady 24 notes (whale notecards)
Take a dance lesson with B
Go ice skating with B
Entertain quarterly - if only to make me deep clean the house
Go out when I would rather stay at home 10 times
Go on a picnic
Meet up with Best Pal’s group, annually at least [Indy May 2017, Baltimore June 2017, STL November 2017, Orlando March 2018, STL April 2018]
Invest in new friendships
Find a new place to give to monthly
Use a planner/calendar of some kind
Find my old iTunes music library (hopefully) and successfully get it on Google
Read the Bible cover to cover
Give blood
Write a will
Unsubscribe from 25 email lists I never wanted in the first place
Stop snoozing in the morning
Donate my hair[1/15/17 8 inches donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths]
Re-read 4 books I love
Take a self-defense class
Finish the dog puzzle B got for me (3rd time’s a charm!)
Frame my TU diploma and USI diploma
Find a signature scent (perfume) and wear it consistently[2/14/17 Chanel Mademoiselle thanks B!]
Find a way to organize my desk at work and keep it that way
Get an Indy Library card
Use my library card
Remember what I love about things I already have - don’t buy new things I don’t need
Become someone who only needs 20 products (hair, skincare, make-up) - throw away all others
Get 5 pieces of clothing tailored
Find a way to keep track of internet passwords[July 2017 Lastpass]
Get a doctor and actually talk to them about things [Dr. Burns and Dr. Carr]
Give $10 to charity for each item I do not complete
Pay off undergrad loans[August 2017]
Do 1 productive thing after work everyday, no matter how I feel
Finish MBA program [Added August 2017, completed June 2018]**